Tuesday, March 28, 2006

24: Altered Universe NEWS Recent Updates

Update 3/21
A new problem with the writing of the series.

Deleted Scenes
A deleted scene from an episode that hasn't yet been published.

Update 3/22
More on my current state of writing.

Update 3/28

More Deleted Scenes?
I discuss the potential for more deleted scenes and the future of 24AU after the scripts are done.

(24AUN) Update 3/28

I'm now about halfway through the outline for episode 16, and it's getting pretty exciting. It's strange; the events of 15, 16, and 17 are events I've been imagining and working on for the past year and a half, and to see them finally be put down on paper is more than a little surreal. I'm going to revise my ending overview tonight (my sparsely-detailed multi-episode outline) and begin work on the script for episode 15. I'm also considering working on some edits for the published scripts, but I'll get to them when I have time.

(24AUN) More Deleted Scenes?

There may be more deleted scenes coming to 24AU in the future. I just had to re-write most of what I had written for episode 16, so I may eventually add those scenes to this site. Problem is that most of them would be spoilers, even with the revised storyline, so they'll have to wait.

I'd like to officially announce right here that after 24AU is done, I have one final project for the site; the 24AU Commentary. Think of it like a text version of an audio commentary, filled with behind the scenes information and details on the development of the story. I've begun to work on it, and it's coming quite nicely. It's basically like a really long Alternate Versions edition. I may try to include all of the AVs from the site in this edition, so that it will free up all of the clutter on the page. We'll see. 24AU has already eaten up over three years of my life. I don't know how much more I can handle.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

(24AUN) Update 3/22

Over the past several days, I've had to stop writing the scripts to 24AU. The problem lies in the origins of the Marc Warner storyline, which I will eventually recant over at the 24AU site. For now, what you need to know is that around Christmas 2004, I STOPPED outlining 24AU. Just stopped. Halfway through episode 16's outline, leaving myself with nothing more than jumbled notes for the rest of 16 and all of 17. So, starting with episode 15, I've had to go back and outline the entire end of the season. Just finished episode 15's outline, and now I'm going to sort our 16's. Big problem that lies in that is that I've since COMPLETELY re-written the end of the show in my notes. Starting with 16, I have the near-Herculean task of merging my NEW notes with my old and eradicating the traces of the old story.

The bottom line to all of this is that I won't be able to start writing the script for the final three until I finish the final three outlines. It means that I'm gonna have to publish at least the next episode without having written the new ones. I don't like having that multi-episode buffer, but I don't think I have a choice.

Still, I'm writing incredibly detailed outlines for these episodes. (Episode 15's outline is roughly 16 pages. That's over 20% of the final length of the episode!) The writing should go pretty smooth when I get to it.

Famous last words.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

(24AUN) Update 3/21

Work continues as usual. Problem is that I just had to completely rewrite the ending to the series, so I'm working on incorporating these changes into the outlines for the last few. This takes time. But it'll be worth it. I think.


Still been busy...not much to say...

(24AUN) Deleted Scenes

As a part of the re-writing that I mentioned this morning, several bits of the story that I had already written are being erased, including an entire storyline between Nina and Jessica Webster. It was actually quite odd, and I feel like some of the dialogue should be presented somewhere. So here is the dialogue of one of the lost scenes of 24AU, with choice bits erased to protect the spoiler-avoiders.

NINA: What is it?
JESSICA: Where's *********?
NINA: I told you before, I haven't seen ***.
JESSICA: And I know you're lying.
NINA: (skeptical) Really?
JESSICA: I saw you with *** earlier.
(Nina starts to walk away.)
NINA: You're so full of--
(Jessica slams her arm against the wall, blocking Nina's path.)
JESSICA: No! Where is ***, Nina?
NINA: I. Haven't. Seen. ***.
JESSICA: I know you did. I saw you. And I can prove it.
NINA: Really? And how do you propose to do that?
JESSICA: I know you're too smart to allow the security archives to keep your image, but I don't think you have the clearance to the system archives.
NINA: Neither do you.
JESSICA: Not yet.
NINA: What does that mean?
JESSICA: Never mind. Now, I know you are going to stick to your story, and maybe you're telling the truth. But if not, and if I do find the evidence I'm looking for, I suggest you come up with a good explanation for this.
(Jessica walks away.)
NINA: Bitch.
And that's that. Not my best work, but interesting nonetheless. Personally, I'd love to see a scene on 24 where Nina call someone a bitch. Never gonna happen, considering her demise, but still...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Brand new blog

Hey, I've got ANOTHER new blog site. http://www.gl24.blogspot.com - an all Star Wars themed blog. Give it a look.

(24AUN) Update 3/05

Still working on 24AU. Not much to say about it, though. Just trudging along.

Episode 12 should be posted sometime in the next week.