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The REAL Episode III Trailer

Last night, the real trailer for Revenge of the Sith came out. It was awesome. As a service to my faithful readers (riiiight - Editor), I typed up a major summary of the trailer. It's not perfect, but here it is.

Okay, Star Wars fans. It took a lot of time and patience to sit down and do this, but here is a complete, detailed summary of every shot in the new Revenge of the Sith trailer that I wrote. Be forewarned, though. I’m sure there are plenty of spoilers here.

Before I get started, let me say that there are two different versions of Palpatine in this trailer. The first is a normal-looking Palpatine, much like we saw in AOTC. The other is a cloaked and twisted Palpatine, looking much like his ROTJ form. For the sake of this summary (and my sanity), I will call the first Palpatine, and the second Sidious (because, come on, was there ever any doubt they were one and the same?).

1: Coruscant- Space:
An Imperial shuttle precursor and three pre-TIE fighters fly by screen. I’m told this shuttle carries the broken and burned body of Anakin Skywalker after The Duel.

2: Coruscant- Senate:
An exterior shot of the a large mushroom-shaped building. I’m reasonably certain this is the Senate building, but not completely.

3: Coruscant- Chancellor Palpatine’s quarters.
Palpatine speaks to Anakin.
Palpatine: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

4: Coruscant- Chancellor Palpatine’s office.
Continuation of 3. Close on Anakin.
Anakin: Is it possible to learn this power?

5: See #3
Palpatine: Not from a Jedi.

6: Coruscant- Exterior
Some kind of shuttle or skycar zooms by camera. Obi-Wan voice-over
Obi-Wan: The council...

7: Coruscant- Jedi Temple
Obi-Wan and Anakin walk down a flight of steps. Obi-Wan voice-over continues.
Obi-Wan: ...wants you to report...

8: Coruscant- Jedi Temple
Same as 7, but close on Obi and Anakin at the bottom of the steps.
Obi-Wan: ...on all...

9: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Palpatine stands up from his chair. Someone (Mace Windu?) in Jedi robes is in the foreground.
Obi-Wan: ...the Chancellor’s doings.

10: Unknown Planet
One of Grievous’s guard droids walks forward, flanked by battle droids. Anakin voice-over continues conversation from before.
Anakin: That’s treason.

11: Coruscant- Jedi Temple
(Possibly in the Council chamber?) Obi-Wan and Anakin stand in front of Temple window.
Obi-Wan: We are at war, Anakin.

12: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant- Space
Two capital ships battle.

13: Coruscant- Capital ship
A Republic capital ship. A clone runs toward a giant cannon as an explosion destroys it.

14: Coruscant- Capital ship
Closer shot. The explosion sends clones flying.

15: Coruscant?- Some kind of theatre.
In an arena box at some kind of theatre, Anakin joins Palpatine, Mas Amedda, and some of the advisors. The entertainment, several giant purple blobs, float in front of them. Mace Windu voice-over.
Mace: Very dangerous, putting them...

16: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Palpatine puts his arm around Anakin and starts to lead him toward the entrance. Mace’s voice-over continues.
Mace: ...together. I don’t think the boy can handle it.

17: Coruscant- Gunship zooming through city.
Mace and Obi-Wan talk aboard a gunship zooming through the Coruscant night. A clone stands behind them. Mace’s line is continued from 15 and 16.
Mace: I don’t trust him.

18: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
Two claw-shaped fighters, flying near to camera, fire at something.

19: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
Another fighter (Republic) explodes from the shots fired in 18.

20: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
Wider shot. The fighter explodes and the debris shoots near camera. The pilot tumbles through the debris.

21: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Close on Palpatine.
Palpatine: I need your help, son.

22: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Continued from 21, close on Anakin.
Palpatine: I’m appointing you...

23: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office
Continued from 21 and 22. Palpatine starts to walk and Anakin follows.
Palpatine: ...to be my personal representative...

24: Coruscant- Jedi Temple- Council Chamber
Anakin stands in front of the council. In the foreground sit Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto. In the background (clockwise) sit Agen Kolar (I think. The shot is kinda far away), Obi-Wan, a holographic Ki Adi Mundi, Yoda, Mace Windu, a holographic Plo Koon. Palpatine’s voice over continues, followed by a separate voice over by Mace Windu.
Palpatine: ...on the Jedi Council.
Mace: You’re on this council, but...

25: Coruscant- Jedi Temple- Council Chamber
Close on Mace Windu.
Mace: ...we do not grant you the rank of Master.

26: Coruscant- Jedi Temple- Council Chamber
Close on Anakin
Anakin: What?

27: Coruscant- Jedi Temple- Council Chamber
Close on Obi-Wan. Anakin voice-over.
Anakin: Obi-Wan and the council...

28: Coruscant- Padme’s apartment.
Anakin talking to Padme.
Anakin: ...don’t trust...

29: Coruscant- Padme’s apartment
Close on Padme
Anakin: ...me.

30: Coruscant- Capital ship
Clone trooper fires a giant cannon.

31: Coruscant- Capital ship
Another cannon explodes, destroying battle droids.

32: Coruscant- Palpatine’s hiding place.
Anakin stands in front of a window as the Battle of Coruscant continues behind him.
Palpatine: Learn to know the dark side...

33: Coruscant- Padme’s Apartment
Anakin, shirtless with a vest on and Padme in a blue dress in her apartment.
Palpatine: ...of the Force and you will achieve...

34: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Palpatine, pissed, talking to Anakin.
Palpatine: ...a power greater than any Jedi.

35: Coruscant- Palpatine’s hiding place.
Anakin raises his ignited lightsaber.

36: Coruscant- Palpatine’s hiding place.
With Battle of Coruscant raging in background, Anakin attacks Dooku with his lightsaber. Palpatine sits in the back in his giant chair.

37: Coruscant- Palpatine’s hiding place.
Anakin swings his blue saber down on Dooku’s.

38: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Palpatine’s doors open to reveal Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar entering.

39: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Closer shot of 38. The Jedi ignite their sabers.
Mace: You’re under arrest, Chancellor.

40: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Close on Palpatine in his chair.
Palpatine: Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?

41: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Close on Palpatine’s right hand. A saber jumps out of his cloak and into it.

42: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Saber lit, Palpatine charges the Jedi.

43: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Mace backs up and raises his saber.

44: Utapau?
A ship zooms away from a green planet. I think it’s either Utapau or Alderaan.

45: Unknown planet.
Dozens of battle droids, super battle droids, and droidekas close in on Obi-Wan. Nearby, a group of figures cluster together. I believe they are Grievous’s guards.

46: Coruscant: Battle of Coruscant
A destroyed capital ship falls toward the camera. A pre-Star Destroyer is above. Can’t tell if it’s an Acclamator.

47: Coruscant?
Bail Organa leans over some kind of speeder. Blue blaster bolts shoot in his direction, far from him.
Bail: No!

48: Utapau
A Jedi Starfighter zooms to the Utapauan surface.

49: Unknown
Anakin hangs on to a ledge in a deep shaft. Something big falls through the shaft below him.

50: Mustafar
A volcano surrounded by lava.

51: Utapau
Grievous, near his ship, punches at Obi-Wan.

52: Kashyyyk-
Tank with Wookiees on it shoots through the snow, then fires. One Wookiee goes flying, another jumps at the camera.

53: Coruscant
Exterior of the Jedi Temple. The temple is smoking.
Palpatine: Every single...

54: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Sidious shot.
Palpatine: ...Jedi...

55: Unknown
Obi-Wan looks at the droids surrounding him. See 45.
Palpatine: ...is now an...

56: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Mace holds his saber near Palpatine.
Palpatine: ...enemy...

57: Coruscant
Yoda opens his eyes sadly.
Palpatine: ...of the Republic...
Chewbacca: (growls)

58: Kashyyyk
Close on Chewbacca.
Chewbacca: (growls)

59: Tatooine
The blockade runner heads to Tatooine.
Palpatine: Do...

60: Unknown (probably Coruscant)
Close-up on a hooded Anakin.
Palpatine: ...what must be done.

61: Unknown (probably Coruscant)
Overhead shot of Anakin leading a bunch of marching troops.

62: Unknown (probably Coruscant)
Low shot, looking up at Anakin leading the stormtrooper army.
Palpatine: Do not hesitate.

63: Unknown
Aayla Secura, flanked by two stormtroopers. Walkers in background.
Palpatine: Show...

64: Unknown
Ki Adi Mundi in a large building holding his saber.
Palpatine: ...no mercy.

65: Unknown
A stormtrooper fires.

66: Trade Federation ship?
Anakin, cloaked, walks through a ship.

67: Trade Federation ship.
Anakin, still with cloak, swings his blue saber in one blow. He kills one or two Neimoidians and destroys a battle droid.

68: Coruscant- Jedi Temple?
Obi-Wan and Yoda talk.
Obi-Wan: Who could have done this?

69: Trade Federation ship.
Anakin in his cloak kills another Neimoidian. See 67.

70: Mustafar
Overhead shot of Anakin in his cloak standing on a ledge lit by lava.
Yoda: Twisted...

71: Mustafar
Close on Anakin on the ledge.
Yoda: ...by the dark side...

72: Unknown
Close on Yoda in a command center. Someone in foreground, but does not look like Obi-Wan.
Yoda: ...Skywalker has become.

73: Trade Federation ship.
Cloaked Anakin kills another Neimoidian. See 67 and 69.

74: Trade Federation ship.
Wider shot of 73. The blow connects and the Neimoidian falls with a charred line in his chest.

75: Coruscant- Padme’s apartment balcony.
C-3PO and Padme stand on the balcony.
C-3PO: I feel so helpless.

76: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
Anakin’s starfighter zooms through space.

77: Coruscant- Padme’s apartment
Padme, very pregnant, cries.

78: Mustafar
Overhead shot of The Duel.

79: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
Obi-Wan and Anakin fly through space.

80: Kashyyyk
Chewie growls and grabs on to the tank. See 52.

81: Mustafar
The Duel in a tight hall.

82: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
Sidious shoots lightning.

83: Coruscant- Palpatine’s office.
The lightning zooms toward Yoda. Yoda looks shocked (no pun intended).

84: Mustafar
Two hands, push on the Force fighting against the Force.

85: Mustafar
Close up on Obi-Wan as he struggles to hold back the Force from Anakin.

86: Kashyyyk
The tank on the beach fires missles.

87: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
Snub fighters battle.

88: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
Artoo in his socket.

89: Mustafar
Obi-Wan jumps backward onto a metal pole over a large lava flow.

90: Mustafar
Anakin, looking evil, approaches Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan: You were the...

91: Mustfar
Close-up on Obi-Wan leaning over Anakin, his face contorted in anguish.
Obi-Wan: ...Chosen One!

92: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
A cannon aboard the Separatist vessel fires.

93: Coruscant- Battle of Coruscant
Explosion outside a capital ship.

94: Coruscant- Senate
Sidious, on the Chancellor’s stand, uses the Force to hurl Senate boxes downward.

95: Coruscant- Senate
The Senate boxes smash into others, trying to crush Yoda, who has his lightsaber ignited and dives to another box.

96: Coruscant- Senate
Close on Yoda as he rolls to avoid another box and ignites his saber.

97: Coruscant
Sidious, saber lit, laughs.

98: Kashyyyk
Ships battle near the bay.

99: Mustafar
Lava soars over a bridge-like platform.

100: Mustafar
The Duel.

101: Coruscant: Palpatine’s office
Yoda tries to hold back Force Lightning.

102: Coruscant: Palpatine’s office
A very pissed-looking Mace, saber drawn, kicks at something.

103: Coruscant: Battle of Coruscant
More of Anakin and Obi-Wan in their ships.

104: Mustafar
The Duel, lava bursts in background.

105: Coruscant: Battle of Coruscant
A capital ship breaks apart.

106: Mustafar
Close on Anakin, pissed, swing his saber at Obi-Wan.

107: Mustafar
On ropes, Obi-Wan and Anakin swing toward each other, lightsabers raised.

108: Title logo: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

109: Vader, standing next to Sidious, folds his arms over his chest.

110: Credits
Written and directed by

111: End Title