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Book Review: Bone

Bone (Graphic Novel)
Created by Jeff Smith

Before I get into my review of this, let me tell you that I read the first few issues when they were printed in a kid's magazine that I used to read when I was a kid. They never printed the whole thing, though, so I had to wait almost ten years for the conclusion to this series. Hell of a build of anticipation.

The Plot
When cousins Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone (small white creatures with big noses) are run out of their hometown of Boneville, they find themselves in a strange valley filled with weird creatures and a massive history that is returning to haunt it.

The Good
This graphic novel series is amazing. It's a great mix of humor, action and fantesy and is really damn entertaining. It's a graphic novel (i.e. a comic book), but it isn't just for kids. It's definitely entertaining for all ages. Think of it as a combination between Disney comics, Star Wars, and the Lord of the Rings. There's a wicked sense of humor underlying this story that grabs your attention, but it's the mystery and history that really keeps you reading. The characters are all unique and interesting, from the Bone cousins to the STUPID, STUPID RAT CREATURES (if you've ever heard of an online geek refer to something as stupid, stupid ----, here's where that came from) to the Great Red Dragon. I really can't say enough about this. It's currently available in two forms; as a nine-book graphic novel series, or as a gigantic 1300+ page single volume graphic novel.

The Bad

The Ugly (here you go, Clownie)
The Rat Creature leader Kingdok. He starts out creepy and gets worse as the series goes on.

The Bottom Line
Go find this series. RIGHT NOW!!!

My Rating: a big 5 out of 5!