(Refuge Blog) Life, business and other shit (Part 2)
With 24: Altered Universe coming to a close and the necessity of increasing my writing time coming up quick, I was coming toward the decision to leave the board. My work life was about to cement that decision.
Before I can tell that tale, though, I need to tell a little background. At my job, one of my diversions was to create...things...that would help improve the library (and kept me entertained). Some of these things were flyers advertising the library's events, others were signs pointing to sections of the library. One big one was a revolutionary new system of signing patrons onto our computers. With our Computer Tech, I created a whole new process for the computer sign-ins. And it worked! Three months into using this system (March-ish), at the advice of our staff association, we sent a letter to the bigwigs of the system talking about the new program.
We heard nothing back.
As time went on, after years of bitching about the lack of updates to our branch's page of the website, I finally sat down and created a blog for the branch. Simple, but a nice way to connect to the community. More...things.
In April, I attended an awards ceremony for someone at work. While I was there, my aunt (also a library employee) introduced me to the second highest-ranked person in the library system. One of the people we sent the letters to. Unable to resist, I asked her about it. She said she saw it, but as the system works, things weren't going to come out of it for a while. So, while I was there, I mentioned the blog. She told me she wanted to see it, but I couldn't write anything down at the time, so I couldn't give it to her.
About a week later, I e-mailed her the link to the blog. I thought nothing of it. Time went on, I began to make the decision to leave the Refuge. THEN.....it happened.
One late Thursday night, just minutes before we closed, I got a phone call from the woman. She told me to call the next day to make an appointment to come in to meet her on the following Monday. Stammering, flabbergasted and downright hornswaggled, I could only say sure. The next day, I made the appointment.
Monday I went in to meet with her. From what she had said over the phone, it sounded like I was going in for a job interview.
It wasn't an interview.
It was "Welcome to your new job. You start Wednesday."
Before I can tell that tale, though, I need to tell a little background. At my job, one of my diversions was to create...things...that would help improve the library (and kept me entertained). Some of these things were flyers advertising the library's events, others were signs pointing to sections of the library. One big one was a revolutionary new system of signing patrons onto our computers. With our Computer Tech, I created a whole new process for the computer sign-ins. And it worked! Three months into using this system (March-ish), at the advice of our staff association, we sent a letter to the bigwigs of the system talking about the new program.
We heard nothing back.
As time went on, after years of bitching about the lack of updates to our branch's page of the website, I finally sat down and created a blog for the branch. Simple, but a nice way to connect to the community. More...things.
In April, I attended an awards ceremony for someone at work. While I was there, my aunt (also a library employee) introduced me to the second highest-ranked person in the library system. One of the people we sent the letters to. Unable to resist, I asked her about it. She said she saw it, but as the system works, things weren't going to come out of it for a while. So, while I was there, I mentioned the blog. She told me she wanted to see it, but I couldn't write anything down at the time, so I couldn't give it to her.
About a week later, I e-mailed her the link to the blog. I thought nothing of it. Time went on, I began to make the decision to leave the Refuge. THEN.....it happened.
One late Thursday night, just minutes before we closed, I got a phone call from the woman. She told me to call the next day to make an appointment to come in to meet her on the following Monday. Stammering, flabbergasted and downright hornswaggled, I could only say sure. The next day, I made the appointment.
Monday I went in to meet with her. From what she had said over the phone, it sounded like I was going in for a job interview.
It wasn't an interview.
It was "Welcome to your new job. You start Wednesday."