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(Refuge Blog) Life, business and other shit (Part 1)

It's been about two months since I left and now I'm back. Why? Why'd I leave, why am I back, and why should you care?

Well, I can't answer that last question, but I can start in on the first two.

Okay, two months ago. Early May. My life was changing big time. Over the course of the previous 6-8 months, I'd been trying to get healthier. Changed my eating habits, started exercizing more--I was losing weight and finally feeling good again. By May I was down about 20 pounds.

At the same time, it became crunch time for 24: Altered Universe. The single largest project I've ever undertaken was coming to its end and I had to finish it. I had to be done by a certain date or it would go on forever. Couldn't let that happen. So I decided to start working on it more and more. If I wasn't at work, I was working on 24:AU. That's it. My deadline was the last Monday in May, one week after the season finale of the show. With a couple episodes to go and time growing short, I had to kick things into high gear.

In the meantime, my working life was about to get a massive shakeup...